Newport Harbor Sailing Foundation: Sailor Stories

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Will Ramsay at the Opti Heavy Wind Regatta

Posted Jul 27, 2023
Sailors: Will Ramsay


The Opti Heavy Wind Regatta was held at St. Francis Yacht Club on June 16-18th. This was my first really windy experience, averaging between 19 - 22 knots each day. Staying in the boat became challenging with those gusts but thankfully, I was able to finish each race..some more soaked than others. Races were each about an hour long as we sailed from Alcatraz Island to the Golden Gate Bridge and back. It was a great experience with large fleets on the starting line, lots of current, and lots of wind. As we raced to the finish, “surfing" the current was a must to get that extra push ahead. Thank you for your support in helping me be a part of this awesome opportunity!